
In order to comply with charity law we based our constitution on a model provided by the Charity Commission.

The constitution as submitted to the Charity Commission is in a rather large and contains lengthy explanations as to why the provisions are needed. Copies can be supplied on application to the secretary.

Download a smaller file containing just the bare text at Constitution7-6-15tidied-v2

Below, you can download our safeguarding policy and the risk assessments we have carried out so far.

Generic safeGuarding Policy  TTWP Generic Safeguarding Policy – rev 19-May-17

Risk Assessment Incline Garden  Risk assessment Incline Garden

Risk Assessment for Fairfield Garden  Risk assessment Fairfield Garden

Risk Assessment for Gathering Stones Risk Assessment for gathering Stones

Risk Assessment for Volunteer Work TTRA Vol work Revised July 2016

Sample Risk Assessment for Sponsored Events TTsample RA sponsored events (2)

Site Specific Risk Assessment for Work in the Fairfield Association Orchard and Nature Reserve TTSite Specific RA Long Pads east hedge